Setting up an account and profile only takes 1 step ('Create'). The real power and value of LastingTree comes from the subsequent steps, where you can make the profile of your loved one a destination for family and friends across the globe to remember and celebrate.

    Step 1 CREATE

    Once signed up log in and begin filling in the profile information that you know about your loved one (date of birth, places lived, activities, etc).

  • Step 2 UPLOAD

    Upload a picture or multiple pictures of your loved one from your computer.

  • Step 3 SHARE

    Create stories or memories of your loved one that you would like to share with family and friends.

  • Step 4 TRIBUTE

    Pay tribute of your loved one here to show how much of an impact they had on your life and others.

  • Step 5 INVITE

    Log in to your account page and invite your loved one’s family and friends to join by typing in their email address followed by clicking on ‘invite’


    Once your family and friends join, begin collaborating with them on pictures and lifestories.